This article will show you how to retrieving data from the epaper Interstitial event. It is important to note that interstitial data is only available if you are using Visiolink's hub to book your interstitials.
The interstitial event is triggered every time a user swipes to an interstitial. When it is shown, it sends an ‘Impression’ event. If the user clicks on the ad, a ‘Click’ event is sent to GA4. When a user returns to the publication from an in-app landing page a new event is not triggered.
Finding the data in GA4:
1. Go to your GA4 property.
2. Go to ‘Explorations’ by clicking on Explore in the menu to the left.
3. Click on the '+' Create a new exploration
4. Every time a new report is created you need to add the ’Dimensions’ and ‘Metrics’ that should be used in the report.
4.a Dimensions: When clicking on Dimensions you will get a list of all Googles standard dimension and Visiolink’s custom parameters. You always need to include the Dimension ‘Event Name’ as this is used in all our filters. Further, you will in this case need the dimension called 'Interstitial_name' and 'Publication_title'.
4.b Metrics: in this report we will use the metric ‘Event Count’, which is a standard Google metric that refers to the number of times an event is triggered.
5. When the Dimensions and Metric is added, you can start setting up your report.
6. Start by filling out the report as this (See picture below):
Add a filter for ‘Event name’ Contains ‘Interstitial’. *it is important that you only write 'Interstitial' and not select one of the names that pops up.
Add ‘Event Count’ under Values.
Add ‘Interstital_name’ under Rows.
Add 'Event_name' under columns.
7. Now you can see the total number of impressions and Clicks and the separate interstitial numbers. To see even more individual interstitials, click the ‘Show row’ dropdown menu in the settings and select your desired number of rows.
Further, you can add the 'Publication_title' as a row, then you can see the individual interstitials performance in each of the publication titles.
8. Remember to name your report - then you will be able to find the report again. You can also share the report with others by clicking on the 'share exploration' in the top right corner.