App settings

2024-11-25 09:53:39 UTC



Here you can change settings in your apps. Some settings apply to all platforms, others only to specific platforms.


Table of Contents

Info view
Subscription usage limit
Toggle PDF download
Print settings


Info view

With this feature you can create an info page or add an external URL: 

If you want to create an info page in the hub and you haven't done it before, click "Create new". If you have created an info page (or several info pages) in the hub before but want to create a new one, click on "+ New page". After choosing an easily identifiable name for the info page and clicking "Setup the page" a blank screen opens on which you can write your info view text. We have integrated a WYSIWYG editor so you can change the font, the font size, insert a link, etc.:

There are also a number of other options, e.g. you can insert an image or a delimiter in the info view. When you are done with the changes, click "Preview HTML" to see the changes. If you are satisfied with the changes, click "Save HTML".

If you subsequently want to make changes to the info page (e.g. there is a new editor-in-chief or the address/phone number has changed) you can easily do this by selecting the page in the dropdown menu and clicking "Edit".


If you want to use an external URL instead of creating an info page in the hub you just select "-- Use External URL --"  in the drop down menu and insert the external URL in the "External URL" field.

Regardless of whether you choose to create an info page or use an external URL always remember to click "Update info view" to update the info view in the app. The Current info view below will be updated.

After the info view has been updated, it can take up to 2 minutes before the changes are live in the app.


Subscription usage limit

It is possible to set a limit on how many devices can be used with the same set of user credentials. Please take into account that subscription usage limit is set at title level - not app level. This means that if you adjust the subscription usage limit for a number of titles in an iOS app, this adjustment will also apply to the same titles in the Android app.

If you set the subscription usage limit for a title to 5 and click "Save", then a user can access issues of the same title from up to 5 different devices across app platforms (iOS, Android) within 48 hours.


NB! The subscription usage limit also applies to web apps that are device validated. It does not apply to token validated web apps.


If the subscription usage limit is exceeded, the user will see an error message.

If no issue of the same title has been accessed for 48 hours on a device, our system will open up for a new device to take its place within the 5 allowed devices. This time interval helps to ensure that the user can switch devices, e.g. when buying a new tablet or phone.


NB! If the number is set to 0, it means that the subscription usage limit is infinite.


Bulk edit

With the "Bulk edit" feature you can quickly and easily adjust the subscription usage limit for all titles in an app:



Toggle PDF download

(only applies to Web App 2.0)


When you put a check mark and click "Update PDF download", PDF download will be activated:

When you remove the check mark and click "Update PDF download", PDF download will be deactivated:


NB! If you have not activated the PDF download option in your web app before, it may require a minor adjustment. Contact support if you experience problems.


Print settings

(only applies to Web App 2.0)


If you set "Allowed pages to print" to 1 or higher and click "Save", the print icon will appear in the spread-view menu and the chosen number of pages will be selectable by the user:

If you set "Allowed pages to print" to 0 and click "Save", the print icon will disappear from spread view:


NB! If you have not activated the print option in your web app before, it may require a minor adjustment. Contact support if you experience problems.




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