How to book Google Ads in Article view 2.0

2025-01-15 15:22:54 UTC


This article describes how to book Google Ads in your article view using the article view design tool in the hub. Our general guide on the article view design tool can be found here.


INFO: The use of our article view design tool requires that your apps have Article View 2.0 implemented. If Article View 2.0 is not implemented in your apps, please contact our business developers.


Table of Contents

General settings
Booking ads in article body
Copy creatives
Key-value targeting



With the article view design tool, you can insert a Google Ads element in your article view. This is done by adding a dynamic block under "Element settings":

When you have inserted the Google Ads element in the desired position (using the drag and drop feature), the settings can be opened by clicking on the element


General settings

Under settings you have several options: you can adjust margin top and margin bottom, choose whether the ad should fill the whole screen width and you can center the ad:


In the Ad unit path field, you define which Ad Unit the article view should use. The Ad unit path must contain Account ID and Ad Unit Code and must be written precisely like this: [Account ID]/[Ad Unit Code]



Both Account ID and Ad Unit Code can be found in your GAM account:


Account ID

You find the Account ID in the left panel at the top. The number written under the name of your account is your Account ID:


Ad Unit Code

Selecting "Ad units" under "Inventory" in the left panel will open an overview of all your Ad units. For each Ad unit you can see the Ad Unit Code:


In the Ad unit sizes field you can set a fixed size. This setting is relevant for customers who use the same ad unit in different places, and therefore upload several Creatives with different dimensions to the same Line item but will only use one of these images in the article view. Then you can define a fixed size and our code will only pick the Creative with these dimensions and show this in the article view


In the example above a customer has uploaded 4 Creatives to the same Line item with these dimensions: 1024x768, 768x1024, 320x480, 480x320. Our code will then only pick the Creatives with these dimensions: 320x480 and 480x320 - and show them in article view.


Booking ads in article body

You can book ads inside the article body by defining a specific paragraph <p> after which the ad must be shown:

Furthermore if you do not want ads to be shown in short articles you can define a paragraph <p> limit. In articles that have fewer paragraphs <p> than the specified value, no ads will be shown in the article body:

NB! If both paragraph <p> targeting and paragraph <p> limit is set to 0 the ad will be placed outside the article body and function as an article element element that can be placed in relation to the other article elements (e.g. "Title", "Subtitle", "Description", "Article content").

You can also insert HTML above the ad:

- and below the ad:


Copy creatives

The web reader is perceived by Google as a single page system. Because of this, Google will only show an ad once - in the article that is first opened. Google will prevent the ad to be shown in all other articles. If you want an ad to be shown in more than one article, you can either upload the same Creative several times to the relevant Line Item or you can copy a Creative several times on the relevant Line Item.

The easiest is to copy a Creative several times on the relevant Line Item. To do this, you select the Creative you want to copy and then click on "Copy creatives":

You can copy a Creative as many times as you like.

Example: If you copy a Creative 4 times on a Line Item, so that this Line Item now contains 5 identical Creatives, this ad will be shown 5 times - on the first five articles that are opened. The ad will not be shown in the other articles

If you accidentally copy a Creative too many times, you can easily remove the excess copies by selecting them and clicking "Remove":



Key-value targeting

With the use of key-values, you have the option to target specific publications ("folderID"), specific categories ("category") and/or specific articles ("articleID"). Key-value targeting makes white listing ("is any of") or black listing ("is none of") possible in your ad booking.


You create key-values in your GAM account under "Inventory" --> "Key-values":




This gives you the opportunity to target a specific publication with the "folderID"
from the Visiolink Publishing Hub:

When you target ("is any of") a specific "folderID", the ad will only be shown in the specific title. The ad will not be shown in other titles.

NB! The key must be created precisely like this: "folderID" and with correct value.



This gives you the opportunity to target a specific article category. The article categories can be found in your own editorial system and they are integrated in the article XML files that you deliver on our ftp. When you target ("is any of") a specific "category", the ad will only be shown in articles with this "category". The ad will not be shown in articles with a different "category".

NB! The key must be created precisely like this: "category" and with correct value.



This gives you the opportunity to target a specific article. The articleID's can be found in your own editorial system and they are integrated in the article XML files that you deliver on our ftp. When you target ("is any of") a specific "articleID", the ad will only be shown in the article with this "articleID". The ad will not be shown in articles with a different "articleID".

NB! The key must be created precisely like this: "articleID" and with correct value.




White listing and black listing

As mentioned above key-value targeting makes white listing ("is any of") or black listing ("is none of") possible in your ad booking.


Below you can see some authentic examples:


White list example: You only want to show Google Ads in sports articles, i.e. articles with article category "Sport". Then you set "Customized targeting" in this way:


"category" + "is any of" + "Sport"



The ad will only be shown in articles with the category "Sport". The ad will not be shown in articles with a different category. 



Black list example: You do not want to show ads in articles dealing with death, war and disasters.

Then you set "Customized targeting" in this way:


"articleID" + "is none of" + [articleID_value1], [articleID_value2], [articleID_value3], etc.


The ad will not be shown in the articles with these articleID's. The ad will still be shown in articles with different articleID's.




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