By each release the article is updated, and you can track which changes you will benefit from, next time your app is upgraded.
Patch Android
1. Fixed Firebase Analytics 3rd party implementation
2. Fixed crahs from google crash reports
3. Fixed german string
4. Fixed GDPR notification timing and placing
Patches after 2.22.01
Fixed autodownload being incomplete in some scenarios
Added support for YouTube player API
Release: Android 2.23.01
Release date: June 2023
A maintenance release, with support for Android 13
- Added support for Android 13
- Updated SDK version
- Updated Billing library to 5.2.0
Patches after 2.22.01
- Fixed handling of HTML tags in subtitle of article cards
- Fixed audioplayer on lockscreen shows wrong title
Fixed HTML tags not handled in subtitle of bookmark cards
Fixed a translation in New Norwegian
GDPR buttons are now all brand color
- Fixed TTS stop played when changing from portrait to landscape
Fixed logged in user not always showing in the top of the navigation drawer
- Fixed NoInternetException being hardcoded and not a translatable string
- Fixed My Publications not using translated string
- GDPR help text updates
- Updated GDPR3 help text German translation
- Fixed blank pages in page view
- Fixed HTML tags on handled in GDPR2
- Fixed Google Ads not working as expected
- Fixed page blinking without ads content
Release: Android 2.22.01
A release focused on maintenance
Release date: September 2022
- Migrated API from level 30 to level 31 (requirement for all app updates starting from November 2022)
- Added folder to deeplink path
- Expanded DFP template with deeplink
- Changed importance of push notifications so they now show on locked screen
Bug Fixes
- Fixed language not being localized in all placed
- Fixed wrong data from DFP (to high click-through-rate)
- Fixed in-app purchase fail if closing instantly after purchase
- Fixed search function from top bar disappearing in some scenarios
- Fixed wrong podcast channel sorting
- Fixed crash when clicking "play all" button, while listening to a narrated article
- Fixed blank pages in My Downloads
Release: Android 2.21.03
Release date: September 2021
Minimum supported OS
Minimum supported Android version is now Android 5
- Changed billing system to Google Billing V4. This doesn't have impact for the user, but has been a large change internally in the app. This is due to a new requirement by Google - otherwise we wouldn't be able to update any existing app by November 1.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem with tracking section number
- Fixed the splash screen not being displayed correctly
Release: Android 2.21.02
Release date: 18 June 2021
We've added the same GDPR solution we have on iOS to Android.
You can find detailed info about it here: Q&A: Visiolink GDPR v. 3.0 and you can see the texts in different languages here: GDPR3 translations
Bug Fixes
- Fixed validation issue with RSS
- Fixed article teasers showing items without images even when they are set to hide
Release: Android 2.21.01
Release date: 13 January 2021
Podcast Improvements
- Various audio player adjustments
- Now able to group podcast series, with a priority and group name
- If there are only 1 podcast channel in the app, it will now skip series overview
- Changes to download
- Downloaded items are no longer directly deleted automatically
- Any items skipped / finished playing / removed from playlist = put in history
- Items in history are deleted automatically after 24 hours or when pushed out due to limit
- Max 15 items in history
Bug Fixes
- Fixes problem with Update Issue
- Fixed rare crash when you tried to login twice
- Fixed setting for single-page view being reset upon update of the app
- Made sure playback stops when other audio starts
- Fixed case where interstitials didn't work
- Fixed issue with Universal Links to publication without XML
- Minor layout change to GDPR box to prevent text being cutoff
Release: Android 2.20.04
Release date: 24 July 2020
- New Text to Speech icon
- Added app ID as a parameter for tracking
- Better support of dynamic ads using Google DFP
- Now asks to play or queue audio when started from front screen
- Visual improvements to front screen audio module
- Visual improvements to audio episode overview
- Added descriptions to items in audio series overview on tablet
- Moved access to playlist to top right corner
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a validation issue with podcasts
- Fixed auto-download still downloading after being disabled in some cases
- Adjusted text on download button in "My Audio"
Release: Android 2.20.03
Release date: 9. June 2020
- App will now clear credentials on failed validation
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with Google Analytics download events
- Fixed crash when changing phone view
- Removed the purchase tab from the login screen from navigation drawer
Release: Android 2.20.02
Release date: 1. May 2020
New Features
- Can now book ads on front screen without having to book through Visiolink Native Template
- Various improvements and bug fixes to audio
- Improvements to sharing when same title is in different apps
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a network error bug
- Fixed tracking error that resulted in unusual high times tracked
- Fixed issue with autodelete
Release: Android 2.20.01
Release date: 3. February 2020
New Features
- Improvements to GDPR
- Setting to change text color on snack bar action button
Release: Android 2.19.03
Release date: 30. August 2019
New Features
- Download & Replace – Makes it possible to have an early edition replaced by a new edition, including XML
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with vector files resulting in black pages
- Fixed crash related to DFP Interstitials
Release: Android 2.19.02
Release date: 5. July 2019
New Features
- Support for Firebase tracking
- Added support for 2048 web backdrop if it is available
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the "Zip path traversal vulnerability"
- Fixed showing personalized DFP ads if you optout of tracking
- Fixed network error showing blank pages in some situations
Release: Android 2.19.01
Release date: 13. May 2019
New Features
- Audio Anywhere: Narrated Articles & Text to Speech - FAQ
- Expanded support for Android to version 4.4 and up
- Supplements in kiosk now have configurable card title
- Now shows voucher login as logout, if logged in as voucher
- Now sort articles by category in mobile edition
- Added RSS tracking
- Top article in Mobile Edition no longer needs to be in first category
- Added option to set limit on supplements in a card
- Minor translation improvements
- Improvements to Android SDK for Comscore Readership Index
Bug Fixes
- Fixed menu being slightly cut off on Android 9
- Fixed year picker disappearing when rotating the device
- Fixed same RSS card being repeated in tab when mobile edition is active
- Fixed crash related to engagement event and download
- Fixed text defaulting to English in some cases, instead of localized text
- Fixed issue in date picker where you couldn’t change year
- Fixed issue with multiple fast clicks on kiosk items opening multiple instances
- Fixed language being decided from phone language and not app config
- Fixed crash due to unsecure URLs in RSS feed
- Fixed issue with time zone handling
- Fixed extra “t” in texts
Release: Android 2.18.03
Release date: 11. December 2018
New Features
- Added additional support for supplements
- Added support for cards with Google DFP content
- Improvements and fixes to Engagement Event
- The app now remembers how far in an article you’ve read
- Added Voucher ID in Google Analytics
- Apps now contain a 14 days archive as minimum
- Improved loading time on Kiosk
- Improved some error messages
- Now refreshes ads on frontpage for every viewing
- Added option to disable teaser category
Bug Fixes
- Fixed search text being converted to lower case
- Fixed a crash in Article View on Android 8
- Fixed a crash in Auto Download
- Fixed an issue with focus when rotating device
Release: Android 2.18.02
Release date: 2 July 2018
New Features
- Added new article ad support. Can now show ads from the physical paper in the article view (if images are delivered)
- Added support for Engagement Studio
- Added support for Segmented Push
- Changed Android minimum version to 5.0
- Minor text improvements
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Latest News card with portrait having overlapping text
- Fixed issue where Clickable Ads in Article View didn’t properly open URL
Release: Android 2.18.01
Release date: 26. February 2018
New Features
- Added support for Universal Links
- Added teaser for Auto Download after 5 manual downloads
- Improved the algorithm for laying out the cards in Article List
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inconsistency with showing name of region on some devices but not all
- Fixed margin on cards in bookmarks
- Fixed Archive search cutting off text
- Fixed toolbar not collapsing in some scenarios
Release: Android 2.17.11
Release date: 11. December 2017
New Features
- GDPR support
- Added support for related tags
- Added support for Google fonts (
- Privacy Policy on generic Info View
- Now opens image gallery directly when article consists of only images
- Added User-ID tagging as a Custom Dimension to Google Analytics
- Now hides the status bar in image gallery
- Updated how images load
- Added support for related publications showing a list of publications from different titles
- Added text after search with how many pages of search results
- Added screen tracking – Option to attach a specific view to a tracking name (not standard
- tracking)
- Stopped asking for permission to get contacts when doing in app purchase
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with splash on publication
- Fixed fail when opening article list in redownloaded publication
- Fixed wrong aspect of card image in page overview
- Fixed archive front page overlap
Release: Android 2.17.06
Release date: 2. October 2017
New Features
- Added access to related publications. Will appear at the end of a downloaded publication
- Reduced download size - Images will be downloaded in a smaller size. A larger size will be downloaded when accessed through the article view or article list
- Added highlight of search words in article after a search
- Added support of auto download to Android O
- Improved how articles are prioritized
- Added default option to opt-out of tracking
- Improved security of passwords
- Android O notification improvements
- Added limit to article length of shared articles via email
- Added option to only load a limited amount of publications
- Added support for state with no publications
- Now removes a saved voucher when authentication fails
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with Deeplink without date trying to open a different publication than latest
- Fixed support of subscriptions which aren’t available for purchase
- Fixed issue with RSS tab being empty after changing region
- Now prevents auto-delete from deleting the publication currently being read
- Fixed issue with auto-delete in Android O
- Fixed crash when opening article from library search
- Fixed issue when opening image gallery with many images
- Added a text limit in bookmark and library search on phone
- Fixed publications with bookmarks being registered wrong after an update
- Fixed crash when trying to delete partly downloaded publication
Release: Android 2.17.05
Release date: 16. May 2017
- Changed autodelete to delete in reaction to when a publication was downloaded instead of when it was published
- New option to force users on old versions to update their app
Bug Fixes
The search field no longer disappears after making a search with no results
Release: Android 2.17.04
Release date: 25. April 2017
New Features
- Category list in bottom of Horizontal Page Overview
- Now supports aspect ratio larger than 16:9 (e.g. LG G6 and Samsung Galaxy S8)
- Improved performance of pages with many clickable ads
- Randomized when autodownload triggers within a 30-minute timeframe (to ease server pressure)
Bug Fixes
- Deep link through push is now properly tracked as push
- Clickable ads no longer blink before the page is loaded
- Fixed archive search only returning 4 results when it has more
- Fixed rare case where autodelete blocked downloading of a new paper
- Fixed search field not staying visible it doesn’t find any results
- Fixed minor translation issues
- Fixed issues with font size not getting saved properly
Release: Android 2.17.03
Release date: 15. March 2017
- Article list now opens on the current category/section
- Now display text labels on navigation with animations
- Improved text regarding download on mobile network
- Now asks to select a previously entered email when logging in
- Minor improvements to login through live feed
- Fixed issue with scroll on top bar in article view
- Fixed tracking issue when going from summertime to wintertime
- Fixed login error message being shown the wrong place
- Fixed pages with many clickable ads ruin tracking (note: Only the first 15 clickable ads on a page will be tracked now - More info here)
- Fixed error message not being in focus when login fails on Chromebook
Release: Android 2.16.12
Release date: 1. March 2017
Improvements & Changes
- Added crosswords support
- Improved performance of kiosks and navdrawer items
- Implemented tab injection in kiosks
- Estimate of download size based on front page size
- Improved layout constraints of cards
- Kiosk selections can now be remembered
- Improved touch navigation to better detect differences between pan, tap and triple tap
- Added theme color as background color on notifications
- Push notifications can now be read on lock screen
- Improved scroll behavior for hidden action bar (news ticker, video, bookmarks)
- Improved horizontal page overview
- New app shortcuts on Android 7.1 for opening latest publication and library
- Improved hint text when searching in archive
- User can now choose the option “Always” in the “Allow download on mobile network” popup
- Splash screen now support vector files
- Adjusted text size for large screens
- Improved the visual effect of how clickable ads fade in and out
- Horizontal page overview now makes spread slide up when opened
- Scroll position now scroll to the same percentage of the page after rotating
- Added 15 min screen timeout to device specified timeout (total of 15+x minutes)
- Improved the font size in article view to scale better on phone
- Now uses native toolbars for better performance and integration in the platform
- Added more styling options to fact boxes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed alignment of drop-down items in archive search
- Fixed thumbnail image sometimes being yellow- or grayish
- Fixed typo in settings (German)
- Fixed rare crash showing an empty library when it shouldn’t be
- Fixed not being able to share extremely large articles - they are now being cropped to reduce file size (only relevant of articles above 60.000 characters).
- Fixed consistency in what is accessible through tabs and archive
- Fixed issue where the app does not register an owned product if the product is in the second kiosk
- Fixed issue with some photos disappearing after rotation
- Fixed the position of bookmarked articles
- Fixed demo issue not being available on the starting page
- Fixed “Forgotten Password” leading to an error page
- Fixed Live-feed being clickable when offline
- Fixed issue with app crashing when having to many bookmarks to handle
- Fixed rare crash during login on specific devices
- Fixed Deep Linking through push messages
- Fixed archive search crashing the app on specific devices
- Fixed crash when paper is deleted while images are still being downloaded
- Fixed search icon sometimes disappearing when rotating
- Fixed position of search help text
- Fixed login being enabled when offline
- Fixed issue with undoing a deletion a bookmark
- Fixed consistency issue with naming of menu items
- Fixed the “New” banner being positioned wrong on phone
- Fixed section front page being the same size as the rest in page overview
- Fixed issue where it was possible to open two Social Sharing menus
- Fixed loading a new interstitial with each rotation
- Fixed issue with HTML tags in article headlines
- Fixed rare crash when opening article view
- Fixed scrollbar being visible over top photo when swiping on Starting Page
- Fixed full titles of publications not being shown in some cases
- Fixed Paver Overview clickable area being to small
- Fixed being unable to login with deep linking
- Fixed search background icon not being centered
- Fixed splash image not resizing to screen size if small
- Fixed typo in search hint text (Finnish)
- Fixed issue with picture disappearing from an article when the device is rotated
- Fixed issue with fact-boxes disappearing from an article, after double rotation in article view
- Fixed issue with text sizes switching between landscape and portrait mode on phone
- Fixed issue with headline and date overlapping
Release: Android 2.16.09
Released on: 30.09.2016
Improvements & Changes
- Push messages can now be targeted on individual titles in an app
- Long captions are now expandable in article gallery
- Optimized handling of thumbnails for better performance
- The articles in “live news” on starting page are now greyed out when read, the same way as article teasers
- Resume icon in “My Newspapers” changed from a play icon to a download icon
- Demo issue now hidden after login
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the app reopen itself if closed right after opening
- Better handling of missing images in the article list when publication was only partially downloaded
- Help screen no longer blinks when scrolling on some devices
- Fixed an issue where the top photo could sometimes be invisible after reopening the app
- Region picker now correctly filter available editions, so editions not available aren’t shown
- Fixed a rare issue where the download bar wasn’t visible
Release: Android 2.16.06
Released on: 24.08.2016
Improvements & Changes
- A dotted indicator in the article view picture gallery indicates number of pictures in the gallery and which picture is active
- Optimized handling of time zones
- When searching in a single issue, the reader now searches in the Solr index and not in the XML. This gives a bigger search base for potentially higher hit rate
- In the article teasers the category (politics, foreign, local, football) of each individual article is now displayed instead of the word "article" if categories are present in the XML
- The top tool bar now opens when the floating action button in the lower right corner of the spread is tapped making it easier to discover all options
- Articles now open in full screen in stead of a smaller pop up leaving more room for the article
- The dimmed search highlight overlay now fades out proportionally to zoom level making it easy to at the same time seeing the highlight box and reading the text on the page
- We have introduced an option to avoid that the article teasers grey out when they have been read
- Improved usability when selecting and deleting publications in the My Newspapers view
- The TNS Gallup library (DK) has been updated to version 1.7.6
- We have added an option making it possible to carry user information through when the reader accesses a Web View in the app. This can be used for differentiating/targeting content shown in the web view
- In the article view the category (politics, foreign, local, football) of each individual article is now displayed instead of the general category of the page if present in the XML
- Better loading indication when loading articles
Bug Fixes
- On some devices the article cards in the article list did not always fit the screen and could leave blank spaces
- On small screens in search mode explanatory text could cover the search query input field
- Fixes of minor graphical issues
- Forgotten password button could disappear when device was rotated
- Fixed a bug that could cause the app to crash when waking up from doze mode without internet connection
- Latest News articles sometimes did not open after logon
Release: Android 2.16.05
Released on: 21.06.2016
Improvements & Changes
- Article teasers and Live Feed article teasers on front page now grey out when an article has been opened like it does in the article list. This way the reader can see, which articles he or she has read
- New Feature: It is now possible to ad a card under the publication which displays the frontpage of each section of the publication. The reader can tap one of the sections to open it. Section frontpages also apply in the archive
- When sharing an article, the reader now receives the option to copy the article link to the clipboard
- Better message for reader when preventing a publication from being autodownloaded
- We have worked on the overlay color in the top so that it better matches the key color
- Numerous improvements when searching in the archive, in a single issue or in downloaded publications securing a more consistent user experience. Most visible changes are: Searches consisting of less than three characters are prevented in the whole app and searching in a single issue now displays results as highlights instead of going to Article View
- We have made it possible to add a year picker instead of date picker in the archive if it consists of monthly published magazines
- Adding the feature Help Screen to your app, now gives you the choice between making your own or using a default Help Screen made by Visiolink
- On phone the screen is no longer locked to portrait when reading articles
Bug Fixes
- Various graphical fixes
- It is no longer possible to make an in-app subscription if the reader already has an active subscription on the same product
- Fixed a bug that could cause the text size buttons to freeze after orientation change
- A bug that could cause top and bottom of page thumb graphics to be cut off in the horizontal page bar
- Pictures could disappear from an article if the device was rotated. This is now fixed
Release: Android 2.16.04
Released on: 25.05.2016
Improvements & Changes
- Better search options in the app for titles with no article view
- Article font is now the same in Article View, on starting page teaser cards and in Live Feed articles
- It is now possible to link to your forgotten password service from the app. A button with the text "Forgotten password?" appears, if the user writes a wrong username/password
- 7 main Google Analytics events are now implemented on Kindle Fire
- A setting allowing you to display the three most recently selected regions in top of the Region Picker is now available. The three most recently selected regions will be displayed separately in the top of the Region Picker - they will of course still be available from the usual list below the recently selected regions.
- A major work-through of 7 main events in Google Analytics in order to completely align metrics on all platforms has been performed. This will impact metrics in your Google Analytics account by a decreased number of Publication Openings. Read more here.
- We have added a warning if more than 14 publication are downloaded to "My newspapers". The reader will from the dialog box be led to the settings menu for Autodelete. This is done to help readers, who are unaware that downloaded publications take up space on their device.
- One and three days added to the Autodelete menu as options for the interval of deleting downloaded publications.
- Visual improvements of teaser cards on starting page, e.g. margin size reduction
Bug Fixes
- Fixed that the keyboard did not disappear after a search was completed
- We have aligned the date format of publications, so it is now the same in all views
Release: Android 2.16.03
Released on: 11.04.2016
Improvements & Changes
- Support for Android 4.0.X has been removed. Minimum required Android version is now Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Read more here
- When sharing an article from the article view by email, the email template now allows for more customization. It is now possible to add a footer and a header containing name of the app, headline of the article, title and date of the publication. In the footer a link to the article can be placed.
- New feature: Update Issue with New Badge. Makes it possible to let the reader know, if a downloaded publication has been updated with new content. This is very usefull if you publish an early edition of your paper and later send out the full edition. A "New" badge appears on the updated publication and the reader is asked if he/she wants the new version
- It is now possible to link from a web view on the starting page to a specific menu item in the navigation drawer
- App made ready for displaying interstitials booked to more titles in Visiolink Publishing Hub. This is specifically for apps containing several titles
- When publications are shown in a grid, title and date are now always on separate lines
- Publication download size decreased
- Optimized load time after displaying the splash
- Now it is possible to tap a Live View article to close it. Before you had to tap the "Close" button
- A "Sign up" button is now added to the login screen. This links to a page on your website where the user can sign up for a subscription of your publication
- New Feature: Dynamic Web View Buttons. Add a temporary web view button in the navigation drawer in your app from the Visiolink Backend. You define a text, a URL and an active period.
- A faster format (webp) for displaying publication pages is now used on high performance devices.
- DYNAMIC: We have added the opportunity to navigate from the front page teaser to the page of the actual article if the article has been selected for the front page due to automatic prioritization criteria
Bug Fixes
- If a publication was opened from the archive tab and then closed, the archive would have returned to the top. Now it remembers where it was and stays there
- Aspect ratio on video images in cards on the starting page is now kept
Release: Android 2.16.01
Released on: 15.02.2016
Improvements & Changes
- SPiD: Login now changes to "Min Profil" after login and tabs on view are hidden
- Live News from RSS feeds published on days without publications are now shown on the Content Tab of the latest publication. This makes sure that all Live News are always shown in Content Tabs in addition to the dedicated Live News view.
- It is now possible to swipe through articles presented in a search view or in the Bookmarks view
- Date format in search fields for Archive Search now matches the date format set on the device
- Floating Action Button: A button in the bottom right corner in the replica view will provide the reader with easy access to page and section overview
- A new section overlay is now accessible from the Floating Action Button. Large pictures of each section frontpage makes it easy to navigate visually through the publication. Be aware that if the device is offline the pictures of the overview are of lower quality.
- Android Wear: Download finished a notification with top three articles is displayed when a device with the app is connected to an Android Wear device (e.g. smart watch)
- We have added an option to enable validation on Live News accessed from a Content Tab, so that the reader must log in to read live news
- We have added an opportunity to open a 'forgotton password url' in a web view, so the reader interacts with the forgotten password functionality from your website
- Smart Lock for Passwords: Android users using Google Smart Lock for Passcodes will appreciate being able to sign in with their saved credentials, if they download your app on a new device.
- It is now possible to configure the domain name displayed on social media when sharing an article. Default is This can be changed through the feature Branded URL.
Bug Fixes
- After opening an issue from the archive and closing it again, you will see the archive view the place you left it. Before you would be taking to the top of the view displaying the newest issues
- It is no longer possible to delete issues while searching in them from the "My Newspapers" section
- Bookmark view now shows loading graphic while fetching bookmarked articles
- Minor graphical fixes
- No longer displaying an "endless spinner" when returning to search results after having browsed through an issue that was entered from a search
- Content Tab names (e.g. Today, Yesterday etc.) could change from app language to English when the coverflow was refreshed
- When sharing an article all apps on the device allowing receiving shared links appear in the sharing dialog
- Now the reader gets a warning that the whole issue is being downloaded when tapping an article
- Now the 'forgotten password' button is shown if reader logs in with wrong credentials
- Empty article view could sometimes appear when opening an article from teaser card
- Empty cards could appear in article overview if articles had no headline
- The app could crash when opening pages/section overview from 1:1 view in papers downloaded from a previous version of the app
- Fixed an issue which could cause hitzones to be positioned incorrectly in sections having a different size than the first section
- In the Login View the 'Login button' in bottom right corner could get covered by the keyboard on some screen sizes
Release: Android 2.15.11
Released on: 07.12.2015
Improvements & Changes
- Made possible to restore single issue purchases
- It is now possible for the user to refresh the frontpage if XML wasn't downloaded correctly or if delivered again when seeing frontpage teaser cards
- It is now possible to insert more coverflows with region picker
- It is now possible to send a deep link containing credentials. This way you can send a link to potential readers which gives access to one publication without them having to log in
- Web View Buttons in the app now lead to a Chrome Custom Tab, which offers a faster and better browsing experience
- Like on iOS it is now made possible to limit content e.g. Live Feed and Video to logged in subscribers
- It is now possible to link from a push message into a page or an article in a publication or to a website.
- Upgraded to the newest SPiD SDK and newest TNS Gallup libraries for Denmark and Norway
Bug Fixes
- After having bought a publication, the buy button was still active for that publication. It is now greyed out
- Search button would show under "My publications" even though it was not possible to search. The app will now check if any of the downloaded publications contain XML data (under My publications you search in the XML when performing a search)
- The horizontal page overview could show green thumbs if stressed
- Added a loading graphic on the information page when retrieving it online
- On phones the app could crash if orientation was changed
- The year field in the date picker sometimes only showed 2015 as an option
- After performing an archive search and selecting a result, the wrong publication could sometimes open
- Weekday names could sometimes be displayed in English despite of the language set on the reader's device
- It is now possible to select if the reader should search across all titles in the app or just in the one selected (when using region picker)
- Sometimes when reader switched orientation while displaying the calendar for picking an issue, the app could freeze
- Various fixes regarding visual details and corner case behavior