Note: all screenshots and examples are from Chrome browser
Tab bar
- You can edit the title.
This is the title of the solution which will be used as the browser tab title.
- You can edit the icon.
The image shown in the browser tab. It should be 32x32px. Supported formats are .png. .gif and .ico. Visiolink will need a link to the image, which can be hosted anywhere online.
Top bar image
- You can add/change top bar image
The image shown in the top middle of Desktop Web App. It should be in landscape and 40px high. Supported formats are .png. .jpg and .svg. Visiolink will need a link to the image, which can be hosted anywhere online.
Air in top and bottom need to be part of the image and remember to deliver an image with transparent background.
- Enable/disable archive
Choose whether you want archive displayed or not
- Change archive mode
There are 3 different archive modes, designed after how often your publications are released:
- Daily (shows publication for a week at a time)
- Weekly (shows publication for a month at a time)
- Singles (shows publication for a year at a time)
You can choose an archive mode which is different from your publication schedule if you prefer that layout (example daily publication releases but having Singles archive mode). Screenshot examples below.
Most papers weekly
- Sort archive ascending/descending
Should the archive be sorted with the latest publication first or last.
- Hide date and/or publication name
Option to hide the date and/or publication name
- First day of week
Choose between Monday or Sunday
Archive mode: Daily
Displays all publications in the selected week
Archive mode: Weekly
Displays all publications in the selected month
Archive mode: Singles
Displays all publications in the selected year
- Add archive module to front screen
You can add a module to front screen showing 3 older publications from X years ago. Example 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 4 years ago.
The only settings you have here are how many years ago each spot of the module should show ( example 1,3,5)
- Change date format
You have the option to choose date format across the Web App. Here are the options:
Hide dates
27 Oct 2020
27 October 2020
Tue, 27 Oct 2020
Tuesday - 27/10/2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Desktop App Splash
- Set a splash screen
You can set a splash screen with an image, which will show as the first thing when you open the Desktop Web App. The splash screen will require the following:
- URL to image
- Height
- Width
Back Arrow (in Desktop Web App, not browser)
- Hide back arrow
Whether or not the back arrow should be displayed
- Back arrow redirection
By default, the back-arrow points back to region picker (if you have one). Some prefer it to point back to their webpage instead, which is possible. Visiolink just need a URL.
Custom HTML blocks
We have the option for custom HTML blocks several places in the Desktop Web App. HTML blocks can be used in a range of of different ways. It can be an ad, text, embedded youtube video, a link to your website or whatever else you desire. Only your imagination and your web development skills are the limit, because Visiolink doesn’t develop these custom HTML blocks for you. The blocks can be of any size (if it doesn’t ruin the general layout) but are limited to specific positions.
Example of HTML block: <div style="color: red; font-size: 22px; background: white; height: 240px;width:300px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center"><b>This is a custom html block</b></div>
HTML block positions:
- On the region picker: Above buttons
Not completely centered due to checkbox to remember regions
- On the region picker: Below buttons
Centered below regions
- As a global footer
This is global which means it will always keep showing in the Desktop Web App.
- On the frontpage, EITHER at the top OR above archive
We have limited the amount of positions for HTML blocks on the frontpage, so you choose to have it either at the top of the right side or further down above the archive.
Visual examples below:
- Show or hide voucher
Only relevant if you have voucher codes for your customers
- Show or hide password
It can be relevant to hide password depending on what validation you have
- Show or hide forgot password option
This will require an URL and a system to handle forgotten passwords at your end
- Show or hide purchase option
This will require an URL to a place where the customer can purchase access
All the settings related to GDPR, including which texts can be overwritten.
You can read more about GDPR here: Q&A: Visiolink GDPR v. 3.0
You can see our cookies here: Cookies ePaper and here if you have Google Ads: Cookie ePaper Targeting
- Allow all buttons, color
Specify which color the "Allow all" button should have. Defined in Hex color (#002000)
- GDPR link
Up to 3 links can be added, most commonly used for privacy policy. Requires a link text and URL for each link.
- 3rd party script
A script if you have a 3rd party integration. Right now we've implemented support for cookiebot.
- GDPR language overrides
The following texts can be overwritten. Some HTML formatting is possible, but we require you to send the text complete with HTML tags.
You can see all our standard GDPR texts here: GDPR translations: Web
Key Color
- Add a Key Color to the Desktop Web App
A key color is a color which will give the app a bit of customization. It will change the color of some selections and buttons throughout the app (example below). You can only choose 1 color and it must be in a hex color code (example: #289d2f).
- Enable or disable search
Whether the search is possible or not
- Disable tracking events
This is only relevant if you have a huge amount of tracking events and reach your limit in Google Analytics. You can then disable specific tracking event, so the important ones still track.
- Pick a language
Pick a language for your app
- Overwrite language strings
You have the option to overwrite certain strings if you are not satisfied with the translation or prefer another wording. You have the option to override the following words and sentences:
Related content / Additional titles
- You can add a module with Related content
- You can add a module with additional titles
This is only relevant if you have a publication containing more than one title, linked with other regions or in other ways have a link to other publications. For more detailed info contact a Visiolink Project Manager.
For each region you have the following customization options:
- Publication frontpages as regions
This is an option suitable for papers with very distinct frontpages and wanting a more visual region picker.
- Image on Region picker
We recommend a image of size 236x60 px with transparent background
See picture of example below.
- Enable archive or not
- Ascending or descending search
- Archive mode
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- Add Custom HTML block
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- First day of week (Sunday or Monday)
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- Show publication dates
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- Show supplements
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- Key color
Same as general settings, just on Region level
- Language
Same as general settings, just on Region level