User Tracking Documentation

2021-02-11 12:07:11 UTC

This document describes the structure and format of our User ID’s and source of User ID. 

The source of User ID (SSO) can take 3 different values: custom, server, or client. 
Source of User ID is found in Google Analytics as Custom Dimension 10. 


Custom -> Delivered by validation system, the format is individual 
Server -> The format is: 2-f72eb60b901cf53b08f7ce01aa617214-E (sha512) 
Client -> The format is: ”04b10bfe-b5d5-4308-ab7b-baa998b593c5” (UUID) 


Custom -> Delivered by validation system, the format is individual 
Server -> The format is: “2-f72eb60b901cf53b08f7ce01aa617214-E” (sha512) 
Client -> The format is: ”075869CF-A4C6-402A-A8F5-AE09C7365C2F (CFUUID) 


The solutions will fallback to a server generated ID, when access is granted, but no User ID is provided by the validation system. 
The server generated ID is made using the PHP function “hash” and the method “sha512”.  
It uses the e-mail address or the subscription code to create a unique ID. Ends on E if email is used, ends on S if subscription code is used. 

If there is no e-mail or no subscription 
code present to create a server ID from, then the client will fallback to “vl_value_user_id_source” = “client”. 
The “client” ID is a unique ID created by the CFUUID (iOS) and UUID (Android) functions and it is created the first time you open the app. 

So in short, “custom” is first priority, if no ID is provided here, then the server will create an ID based on the e-mail address or subscription number. 
If there is no e-mail or subscription number input, then the UserID will fallback to a unique “client” ID, which is generated the first time you open the app. 

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