Desktop Web App 2 - GA4 upgrade guide

2023-01-16 08:52:43 UTC

How to create a GA4 property for your epaper:

Go to your current Google Analytics account:

You will be met with this banner in the top. Click ‘Let’s go’.


You will be transferred to this overview:


Click ‘Get Started’ and create property (or go directly to your GA4 property if you already created one).


You have now created a new GA4 Property and got a Property ID.

It is important that you save this Property ID and send it to Visiolink. Further you need to give us access to the property, so we can test the data flow:

You now have a new GA4 property, however data will not automatically be sent to here. Therefore, the next steps are critical to ensure that you get data to your new property.

Get data to your GA4 property:

Click ’Go to your GA4 property’ (picture above). If you already have a GA4 property, then go directly to it.

The next steps are necessary in order to get data sent to your property. 
The first step is to go to the 'Admin' tab in GA4 and add new data streams:


Go to “Data Streams”:


You need to add a data stream for both iOS, Android, and web if your epaper can be accesses from all platforms. The process is a bit different from each platform. This guide focuses only on setting up a data stream from your Desktop Web App to your GA4 account. 

Adding a web data stream:

Click on “Web” and click 'Add stream' and choose web stream.


Here you need to add the URL from your website and add a stream name.  The stream name and stream URL is not dependent, therefore if you choose an overall name or the wrong URL the web stream will still work. 

When you have created your web stream you will get a the following overview:


Here we need the Measurement ID to complete your set-up. It is therefore important that you send this ID in the PID or to your Visiolink contact.

This is the only thing you need to do for the web upgrade to GA4.


Sum up:

You will now have created a data stream from your Desktop Web App to GA4.

After setting up a data stream for your Desktop Web App you will need to send the following to Visiolink:

  • Measurement ID
  • Property ID for your GA4 Account
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